Friday, April 3, 2009

homeschool kids write assignment #40

It started as an ordinary autumn day.  The leaves had begun to pile up outside and the weather had turned colder.  I put on my jacket and went outside.  Then something happened that changed my ordinary day into an extrodinary day. I found a new puppy. He was in the street and he had no name tag. My mom said I could keep him. He was a Husky. We went into the house and I found a basket and some old blankets. I put the blankets into the basket and set it by my bed for the dog to sleep in. He jumped into it immediatly. While he was sleeping my family and I went to get him a name tag and some dog bowls. When we went to get his name tag I realized I hadn't given him a name. I thought of one while we were in line. When the lady asked what name to put on the name tag I said, "Arrow" because he had an arrow on his left ear. Then we went home and put his new collar on him. That is how my ordinary day turned into an extrodinary day.


1 comment:

  1. What a special day that would be. Very well written.
